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Original url: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EszBH3cQqI

Wiki code:


or (with width and height):



Original url: http://video.google.it/videoplay?docid=1811233136844420765

Wiki code:

<videoflash type="googlevideo">1811233136844420765</videoflash>

or (with width and height):

<videoflash type="googlevideo">1811233136844420765|200|150</videoflash>


Original url: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xi23l_geris-game

Wiki code:

<videoflash type="dailymotion">xi23l</videoflash>

or (with width and height):

<videoflash type="dailymotion">xi23l|640|480</videoflash>


Original url: http://vimeo.com/9394817

Wiki code:

<videoflash type="vimeo">9394817</videoflash>

or (with width and height):

<videoflash type="vimeo">9394817|640|480</videoflash>


Original url: http://en.sevenload.com/videos/Eh4mjir/Bewegungen-der-Natur

Wiki code:

<videoflash type="sevenload">Eh4mjir</videoflash>

or (with width and height):

<videoflash type="sevenload">Eh4mjir|640|480</videoflash>


Original url: http://one.revver.com/watch/138657

Wiki code:

<videoflash type="revver">138657</videoflash>

or (with width and height):

<videoflash type="revver">138657|640|480</videoflash>


Original url: http://www.metacafe.com/watch/2387062/pump_it/

Wiki code:

<videoflash type="metacafe" vid="pump_it">2387062</videoflash>

or (with width and height):

<videoflash type="metacafe" vid="pump_it">2387062|640|480</videoflash>


Currently blip uses urls like: http://blip.tv/file/1490573

You cannot use the above ID with the code
which is used in this VideoFlash extension.

To get the correct ID to use click on 'embed' in Blip and extract the id used in the flash embed code

 <embed src="http://blip.tv/play/AdvpMQA" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="510" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed>

Wiki code:

<videoflash type="blip">AdvpMQA</videoflash>

note: I don't know why Blip.tv uses different ID's in it's embed code as opposed to it's url. I suspect it may be changing over or something, which is why I haven't suggested editing the code of this extension to use the 'file' rather than the 'play' url for Blip.

Globo Vídeos (Brazil)

by alexandre260678@hotmail.com

Add the command line


the file videoflash.php

Copy the parameter midiaId

  <embed width="480" height="392" flashvars="midiaId=1056877&autoStart=false&width=480&height=392" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" quality="high" src="http://video.globo.com/Portal/videos/cda/player/player.swf"></embed>

Wiki code:

<videoflash type="globovideo">1056877</videoflash>